Ponto is a solution of Isabel Group
Ponto website: myponto.com
Isabel Group website: www.isabelgroup.eu

Registered address and place of business
Isabel NV is a company registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under No. BE 0455.530.509 RPR Brussels and having its registered office at:
Boulevard de l’Impératrice 13-15
Keizerinlaan 1000
Brussels Belgium (“Isabel”)
Authorization as a payment institution (PSD2)
In the context of PSD2, Isabel NV has been authorized under number 0455.530.509 as a Payment Institution (AISP & PISP) by the National Bank of Belgium for the provision of payment services 7 (PIS) and 8 (AIS).
Isabel NV is listed on the payment institutions register of the European Banking Authority with passporting rights to all listed countries.
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